Competition Rules


HAC will run a series of 12 matches throughout the year for club members on Roughgrounds lake.

The match dates will be included in the members handbook and also displayed on the Notice Board.

Matches will run from 1000 to 1500 hrs and competitors are to arrive no later than 0830 hrs with the draw taking place at 0845 hrs. Pools of £10 are to be paid when requested by the match organiser. In addition a payment of £10 is to be made towards the aggregate if wishing to be part of this at the start of the season. Once the draw has been made late arrivals will not be catered for.


  1. The match organiser will decide if conditions are deemed unsuitable or dangerous for fishing to commence and has the power to cancel the match at this discretion. These conditions include, flooding, low water levels, spawning, adverse weather etc.
  2. Competitors are to fish the peg they have drawn and may move one yard either side of the peg if required. A distance of half way to the peg either side is to be maintained and when competitors are drawn on opposite banks they are to fish a max of midway across the lake. A competitor must not interfere or cause annoyance to another angler.
  3. The match organiser is to be informed if a hazard, obstruction or damage to a platform has occurred making it unsuitable to fish from. In which case the closest alternative peg will be offered to the angler by the match organiser.
  4. Prior to the start of the match, breaking of water is allowed only for the following. Placing of keepnets, finding water depths/location for floats, location and distance for ledgering and the mixing of ground bait.
  5. Prior to the start of the competition , no competitor must in any way introduce ground bait or loose feed their swim.
  6. Each competitor must only have one rod, line or hook, live in the water at any given time during the competition. Assistance may be given if a situation arises that is detrimental to the welfare of a fish, in this case the fish is to be returned to the water and not weighed in.
  7. Environment Agency approved nets are only to be used and are to be laid out to dry on arrival at your peg. ALL NETS ARE TO BE DRY BEFORE THEY ENTER THE WATER AT ROUGHGROUNDS LAKE.
  8. CARP OVER 5lb to be weighed and witnessed by the closest angler then returned to the water immediately. Small carp up to 5lb can be kept in an EA approved Carp keep net. Max weight in net not to exceed 30lbs.
  9. All competitors to have an unhooking mat, which is to be used during weigh in.
  10. Balling in is not allowed. All ground bait is to be fed by cupping kit or feeder.
  11. Feeding via pole cup whilst fishing other methods is not allowed.
  12. On ‘all out’ anglers will be allowed 15 mins to land fish.
  13. Action required by the angler with carp over 5 lbs.
  • Ensure weigh sling is damp and scales are zeroes with weigh sling attached and witnessed
  • Remove hook from fish and transfer to weigh sling. Use carp mat to protect fish.
  • Weight to be witnessed by the closest angler
  • Safely return the fish to the same peg to which it was caught.
  • Record the weight of fish, name of angler and peg number on the form provided.