General Rules


  1. Annual membership will run from 1st April to 31st March each year
  2. Fishing times are from DAWN to DUSK (Night fishing is prohibited on all club waters)
  3. Prior to commencing fishing all members are to check the notice board (where applicable) and be conversant with any changes to the rules relating to the use of club waters.
  4. Members are to ensure their swim is free of litter and discarded items of tackle , line etc. before and after fishing their swim. Litter and unused bait to be taken home and discarded.
  1. All fish to be returned to the water in a responsible and safe manner without causing unnecessary distress or harm.
  2. When fishing, members are to respect a distance of 10yards from each other
  3. On no account must live or dead freshwater fish be brought to use on club waters for pike fishing. Only NON freshwater species of fish may be used
  4. Baited rods are not to be left unattended at any time.
  5. All members to be aware that pleasure fishing will not be allowed prior or during a club fishing match.Pleasure fishing can commence after the weigh on has been completed.
  6. Landowner’s property is to be respected at all times and members are not to comit any damage to property, crops or livestock. In addition members are not to trespass on land which the club does not have fishing rights.
  7. Only official club access to HAC waters is to be used. In addition, all motor vehicles are to be parked in designated areas.
  8. Neither the club nor any member of the club or committee shall be liable for any loss or injury sustained by a member or guest arising out of a member failing to perform any duty owed to the club.
  9. It is the responsibility of all members to ensure their guests comply to all HAC rules.
  10. Junior members or junior guests (Under 16) are NOT PERMITTED to fish unless accompanied by a responsible adult.
  11. Driving down Bushyleaze track to drop off tackle is forbidden.
  12. When fishing at Buscot all members must observe the notice board and not fish where water has been reserved.
  13. The cut at St. Johns Lock can be fished from November 1st until the end of the season.
    Driving down to the weir field to off load tackle or drop anglers off is strictly forbidden. If you do not observe this rule you are liable to be expelled from the club.